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Top construction pain points - and what they have in common

Data Blocks
Data Blocks

Over the past several months, we held over 100 conversations with construction pros on their day-to-day challenges, frustrations and desires on the job site, from difficulties in equipment tracking to inaccuracies stemming from paper-based processes. We spoke with workers in all sorts of roles, from equipment operators to maintenance managers, and while some of their concerns were unique to their positions, we were struck by the recurring themes we heard.

Most construction workers were affected by the following:

  • Working with isolated data silos: data from telematics systems, wireless sensors and mobile applications usually require different logins and are not visible in one place to everyone who needs to see them. For example, maintenance managers often can’t see an inventory of which parts are available to be used in repairs.
  • Admin time spent on data entry: several processes are still paper-based, meaning it takes multiple hours to enter data. The data isn’t accessible in real-time and often contains errors or duplicates, making it difficult to plan work and give accurate updates to clients.
  • Equipment utilization: managers don’t have data on hand to determine whether they should buy or rent equipment, which equipment is underutilized and which is being hoarded.

The common thread between all of them? A lack of communication and ability to share data and updates from all data sources across the job site. In fact, the #1 item on construction employees’ wishlist was to view all data from all sources in one place. This was the genesis for Site360, our newest construction offering. It’s a platform that pulls all data from assets together into a single pane of glass, monitoring on-road vehicles and off-road machinery, tools and assets, alongside integrated manufacturer telematics data from a range of different vendors so businesses can track the usage of all equipment and stay on top of maintenance and safety requirements. It also gives managers the option of several different views, including asset view/map view, detailed equipment view and jobsite view.

The platform just launched, but will be expanding through future product integrations and new features, including an electronic inspection dashboard and jobsite management capabilities. It’s customizable - and that’s what we’re looking forward to most: helping our customers tailor the platform to meet their unique needs.

To learn more about Teletrac Navman construction jobsite tracking, please visit: Site360

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